
Worship is central to the life of our church family. Our services include acts of praise, prayer, preaching, fellowship, and response to God’s Word. People of all ages have a place to participate in worship, where we connect with God, with one another, and prepare to connect with God’s world.


 9 am Traditional Worship (hymns led by chancel choir)
11 am Contemporary Worship (music lead by our praise team)

Online Worship
Those who worship with us online, can connect to the worship service on our Facebook Page, or our YouTube Channel. This online worship is live-streamed. The livestream begins 10 minutes prior to the worship service to allow everyone to get their connections established and to chat in community with one another.


The Sacrament of Holy Communion is offered in all services on the first Sunday of each month*.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion in the Methodist Church is open to everyone. You do not have to be a member of the Methodist Church or this local congregation. All are invited to participate in this Sacrament and receive the grace God has available for you.

*There are rare occasions in which Holy Communion is shared together on a varying Sunday of the month.